Affectional Plasticity

Of course we can train our bodies. Most would agree that we can train our minds. But can we train our hearts?

The heart is the core of our being. It sets our desires. The Bible sets high importance on keeping our hearts pure: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspirng of life." (Pr 4:23)

Unveiling Affectional Plasticity: A Christian Heart's Quest to Please God

We are hardwired to follow our hearts. The Bible regularly talks about this truth. The Bible takes a high view of the human heart. Who we are in our heart is who we truly are. What we feel in our hearts is what we truly want. God built us this way.

This is why truly following God requires our hearts full obedience (Deut 6:5; 2 Chron 25:2; Prov 3:5). Finally, it is why obedience that is only on the outside but doesn't involve the heart is not true obedience (Ps 51:17; Isa 29:13; Matt 15:8; 23:27).

For Where Your Treasure is, There Your Heart Will Be Also.

Together, we will never feel lonely or lost.

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